Why we use Vistr


As a cloud bookkeeper, we aim to provide simple advice to our clients that improve their business, and makes it easy for them to understand and implement.

Managing cash flow is stressful but a constant in business. So we use Vistr to give clients a clear picture of their cash flow in the next three months. They feel in control and get a peace-of-mind to focus on their business.

Cash flow forecasting with Vistr requires minimal pre-meeting preparation. Vistr automatically syncs with Xero, so when we keep the books updated, we just login to Vistr at the client meeting.

The information is so easy to understand that we use it with our clients during client meetings. It helps us further demonstrate value to our clients. They get really engaged with Vistr. We even give them access to their Vistr account. It’s great to see that they check the cash flow every week, and put our advice into practice.

CASE STUDY: Digital Agency

My client is a wonderful digital agency, designing and building websites for some of Australia’s best-known companies. Their work is project based, cash flow is lumpy, and large companies tend to be late payers.

Managing cash flow is a challenge for them, frequently feeling like they are not in control..

We decided to help them by offering the client cash flow forecasting with Vistr.

Why Vistr worked so well for the client?

Quick & easy to setup

It took minutes to setup Vistr using their simple integration with Xero.

Immediate value for the client

The client immediately understood Vistr’s forecast – seeing the money-in & money-out in the next three months.

Customised to their needs

We helped them customised the forecast to track IT costs, payroll and contractors so they could easily see the big capital spend in the next 3 months.

See the ATO obligation ahead

Getting visibility to the next GST, PAYG and Superannuation payment helped them plan ahead - knowing when and how much to pay.

Matching money-in & money out

No more guess work to see when customers are likely to pay their invoices. Seeing the mismatch between money-in & money-out (especially payroll weeks) really motivated them to chase debtors.

Peace of mind to move forward & grow

Gaining control and visibility gave them comfort to plan ahead. They are now planning their cash use and started paying monthly directors superannuation.

For more information contact us iKeep Bookkeeping.


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