Start a business in Australia from Overseas
Starting a business is exciting but can also be challenging if you are not prepared or are overseas. This guide will take you through each step of starting your own company in Australia and help make sure that all aspects are taken care of before launching into this new adventure in Australia! 1. Make key decisions early on to avoid the hassles and headache later down the road Key decisions have an enormous impact on your business - these are the ones you want to make early, so they do not come back and bite you in the ass later. Some key questions include: What licenses do I need? How much tax am I going to owe if this goes through, anyway? And what paperwork did someone else tell me was necessary but turns out not be at all...? · Decide on a business structure - There are many different legal entities you can choose from to run your small businesses, but it is important that the one chosen suit both yourself and what needs doing. It is ...