Three Steps to Take Towards a Bright New Way of Working
At iKeep, making the decision to shift our entire bookkeeping services
and client base to cloud based accounting was monumental for many reasons.
We knew it was going to make a hugely positive impact on our
productivity, operational costs and the way we worked as a company. Best of
all? The cloud approach meant we were servicing our clients faster, better,
stronger. Relationships strengthened as our clients and us became streamlined
in our processes and practices.
It was a win win. Eventually.
But it did take work to convince ourselves and then our
clients that this was the way of the future. If you’re still weighing up your
options around leaving desktop accounting behind for the efficiency of cloud
accounting, here are three steps you can take to get you started on your own
cloud based accounting journey.
1. Research
As a company, we are always looking to stay up-to-date on
what is changing in the market. For the industry we are in, that change is
cloud accounting. So we put our research hats on and asked ourselves these
How can cloud accounting benefit iKeep?
How can it benefit our clients and the way we do
business with them?
Who are the key providers in the market?
What features does the offering provide? Should
I choose one provider or is there a couple of offerings in the market that
would suit iKeep
Who is offering a pure and real cloud solution?
Can I really sit on my iPad at the airport and access current data in real
We discovered the answers to these questions from speaking
with our customers, other companies that had already made the switch and a
number of providers. We spoke to one of the cloud accounting experts, Intuit
QuickBooks, to make sure this was the right move for us then decided to take
the next step.
2. Dip your
toe in
Cloud accounting programs offer varying degrees of service
levels. You can start with the basics and as your employees and clients get more
used to doing business ‘out there’, add functionalities right up to full
financial management.
Or you can do what we did. iKeep made the decision to move
our practice to the cloud before we moved our clients across. This gave us
valuable firsthand experience. We adjusted internal processes as required and
by the time we introduced it to our clients, we were living and breathing this
new way of working. Yes, we dipped our toe in but the toe we dipped in was
definitely on the front foot.
This decision allowed us to be proactive with the education
of our clients and the way we managed change with them.
Most importantly it allowed is to ensure a high level and
continuity of service.
3. Leap
right in
Yes, we did our research and discovered that Intuit
QuickBooks was one of the key platforms for us. Then we dipped our toes in and
went on our own discovery journey of this new way of working. After that, we
leapt right in.
We knew our clients were looking to us to be their thought
leaders and knowledge bank around cloud based accounting. The only way we could
do this was to commit to the change, live it, breathe it and own it.
We took advantage of the ongoing support, training and
development Intuit QuickBooks provide and as a result, client uptake was quick
and relatively painless.
We then made a clear delineation around what we do. iKeep use the latest cloud accounting
software and add-ons to streamline clients’ bookkeeping.
I love the saying “Do what you do best and delegate the
rest”. We focus on cloud accounting so we can provide a better offering. Cloud
accounting was the logical step forward in terms of internal and external
processes to keep our clients happy.
The shift from desktop accounting to cloud based accounting
required change around process but also around mindset. As soon as the team
made that psychological shift, the productivity shift followed closely behind.
And THAT is when client satisfaction and internal efficiency
propelled itself into a whole new stratosphere.
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