Product Market Fit - Health Match
Clinical research and the Pharmaceutical industry have vast layers of complexity. The intricate process (and phenomenal costs) involved to bring a drug to market make this an almost impenetrable barrier to entry. Despite the immense revenue, value and resources this industry possesses, no company is immune from (or in this case) cannot benefit from true innovation. Innovation is often thrown around as a marketing term for something slightly better. Slightly better wasn’t going to cut it for HealthMatch. What does a world class breakthrough look like? See for yourself. A solution that is a game changer for Clinical Research organisations, Pharmaceutical companies, Patient care organisations, Oncologists and other specialists, General Practitioners, Hospitals and most of all, the Patient. HealthMatch delivered this week. Big. The platform went live and immediately matched a patient to a research trial! In fact, they are now matching like wildfire. This is beyon...